Mon 27 Jan
💋💎💋💋Start Your Weekend WITH ME!!! Call ME NOW!! - 26
(Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach/Norfolk/Chesapeake)
Slender Redhead, blue eyes Dreams Audrey ~ STOP! Tired of SLUMMING? Stick to your social class!
(Harrisonburg, Richmond, Roanoke, Roanoke - Lynchburg - Richmond)
Sun 26 Jan
NeW ~ PreTTy *{GiVe -IT- a TRY}* BusTy* CuRvY* CuTiE* SeXy* cL@SsiE * $pEci@L - 19
(Richmond, in & out 100special)
°o ♥ o° (( ✰ P E R F E C T ➓ ✰ )) °o ♥ o° - 21
(Richmond, WeSt BrOaD sT.{In or Out})
Naomi 😇 French nd 😍 Indian 😍 Beautiful 😘 Mix 🎁 🎆 😘 Military 😘 Discounts 😋 - 24
(everywhere, Chester,Hopewell, Tri City, Richmond)
🍰🍭IN FOR A TR£AT😋ℓεavε a smiℓε on your facε!/ Voℓuptuous Bεauty/ avaiℓabℓε now!🍦🍬 - 22
(Richmond, Midlothian turnpike)
💋💋iF §H€§ GOoD • iM B€††€R • • (( B€AU†iFuL W/MAjOR SKiLLS💋💋 ) Specials NEW PICS!! - 24 - 24
(Richmond, Henrico/IC & OC)
LAST DAY Friday ♥♡→ Mindi Cash ←♡♥ ] dnt miss ☆ ★ Please Read My Ad Before Calling,Thanks - 25
(Richmond, discreet, text name,age & race, I'll tex)
KORI 'TAttOOeD BeaUtY, MaTuRe & DiScReeT 24hr SeRviCe - 41
(Richmond, Richmond,Petersburg, OutcallsALLocations)
KORI - TAttOOeDBeaUtY, MaTuRe & DiScReeT InCaLL/OutcaLL SpeciaLs - 41
(Richmond, Petersburg, Richmond, All Locations)
Hot Latina and European Beauties 1 girl or 2 HOT! - 21
(Richmond, Richmond/TriCities/Mechanicsville)
★█ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ F I R S T ✈ C L A S S ✈F L I G H T ✈ T O ✈ P L E A S U R E ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇★ - BOOK NOW - 20
(Richmond, (Pleasure Island))
Mon 13 Jan
R♣O♣Y♣A♣L♣ T♣R♣E♣A♣T♣M♣E♣N♣T♣ ¨*120 Hour ★ SExxY Azz Latina PLAYMATE - 24
(Newport News, JCLYDE AREA)
KillerMouth ŠKiLLz 👅💦💦 PuertoRican Princess💞💞 👯•Girł Specials AVAILABLE 24/7 - 21
(Richmond, Richmond Incall & Outcalls)
Sun 12 Jan
KARMÁ looking for a exotic dime top of the line look no more;)out calls only - 23
(Richmond, South side richmond)
Hot Like Fire Sweet Like Candy Always Friendly 100% INDEPENDENT - - 25
(Newport News, newport news Outcalls/in)
_ thai courtesan _ * _ visiting _ * _ erotic & sensual fun _ * _ available 24/7 _ *
(Richmond Va West.)
Sat 11 Jan
❤👑 5 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ HeRe 4 U♥️ U*N*R*U*S*H*E*D ♥️ BEAUTY👑❤★ *♚* SwE€T & R€ad¥ *♚* H¡GHL¥ §K¡LL€D *♚* - 22
(Richmond, SOUTH INCALL• OR• I COME TO YOU (24/7))
SToRM is back🌪🌪 🌴🌴San Diego Princess🌴🌴OUT CALL WHENEVER YOU CALL 💋💋in call specials - 20
(Norfolk, Portsmouth, Richmond, Richmond and surrounding areas, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)
Slender Redhead, blue eyes Dreams Audrey ~ STOP! Tired of SLUMMING? Stick to your social class!
(Harrisonburg, Richmond, Roanoke, Roanoke - Lynchburg - Richmond)
🍒REdD🍒H🅾t DeLIciOUSneSS👅💦 come to me or🚘DeLiveRed🚘 To YOU❗❗😻💯🐞👌 - 25
(InCALL to ME OR OUTCALLS TO U!, Richmond)
KORI - TAttOOeDBeaUtY, MaTuRe & DiScReeT Incall/OuTcaLL SpEciALs *NeWPiCs*s - 41
(Richmond, Richmond, Petersburg, All Locations)
beautiful exotic puerto rican and gypsy mix available now ñ! early morning specials! - 22
Slender Redhead, blue eyes Dreams Audrey ~ STOP! Tired of SLUMMING? Stick to your social class! - 30
(Harrisonburg, Richmond, Roanoke - Lynchburg - Richmond)
SEXY♡¤ BLOND★★ petite ~~Bombshell!!!! ♥♥IM waiting for UR call♡♡ ~~~★★ - 26
(Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach/Norfolk/Chesapeake)
KORI - TaTtOoed BeaUtY, MaTuRe & DiScReeT 24hr SeRviCe ReTurn CliEnt Special - 42
(Richmond, Richmond, Petersburg)
KORI - WeDnesDay SpEciAL,TAttOOeD BeaUtY, MaTuRe & DiScReeT 24hr SeRviCe - 41
(Richmond, Richmond, Petersburg OutcallsALLocations)
Fri 10 Jan
▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ✘ ✘ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ GORGEOUS UPSCALE BUSTY DOLL CALL NoW ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ✘ ✘ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ - 24
(Hampton, Hampton Incall Outcall)
█▬█❶▀█▀ SOFT & SW€€T ❤ █ ReVieW █ 100% REAL PIC, B€ST M()UTH█ T!GHT & CR€AMY █ ViDe0 Pr00F× 80$Hh - 23
(Richmond, 80/Hh INCALL.EX.69.BELLsRd.-NO OUTCALLS)
Private Incall in North Chesterfield & Outcalls 💥 Upscale 💥 seductive blonde! - 26
(incall N.Chesterfield & Outcall, Richmond)
★★ ★★ ★★ __B _L_ O _N _D_E_ ★★ __B_ O_ M _B_ S _H _E_L_L_ _★★★★★★★★ - 26
(Richmond, Richmond in/out)
👋SPECIALS💦😍Sexy Exotic 🍭 1OO% Real Pics 👑Royal Treatment GUARANTEED, CALL NOW📞210.574.8074 - 19
(I95 Richmond incall outcalls everywhere, Richmond)
sexy sexy sexy guaranteed available now pleasure city - 21
(Richmond, Richmond, VA incall and outcalls)
CLiCK HERE °x° IF YoU °x° DeSeRvE tO °x° Be PaMpErEd - 21
(Richmond, Downtown,East CaryA($40specials))
Thu 09 Jan
#1 🔥💯🌊👀PlayDate 😘 -inCall ONLY❤Discreet 😉 ❤T@$+e GreAt 👅 Up All Night - 25
(Richmond, ❤ INCALL ONLY & UP All Nite 😘)
SEXY♡¤ BLOND★★ petite ~~Bombshell!!!! ♥♥IM waiting for UR call♡♡ ~~~★★ - 26
(Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach/Norfolk/Chesapeake)
Wed 08 Jan
♥💯🚘 Spice Up your Life【 THE REAL DEAL TOTAL PACKAGE 🚦】✓✘⇗💞💞💘 ❌✓【 💯%real 】*ღ ☏₵αℓℓ m€ツ - 24
70/100/150CaliFornIa PeaCh 💋👅💯℅ Real (Video Proof🎥)/ Come Get A Bite 4014020873 - 21
(Outcalls All Over, SouthRichmond incall, Richmond)
🍭🍭【 S W E E T 】 🍬 【 L I K E 】 🍬 【 C A N D Y 】🍭🍭 - 22
(Richmond, Visiting Incall & Outcalls W. broad st.)
KORI TGIF!! ComePlayWithMe! Tattooed Beauty,Mature & OpenMinded, Discreet - 42
(Richmond, Richmond, Petersburg)
Tue 07 Jan
WARNING ★★★★ EXTREMELY ★★★★ ADDICTIVE ★★★★$65 specials incall/outcalls avail. - 25
(Fredericksburg, Fredricksburg in/out)
★★★★★ 5 STAR SERViCE. 0UT(24/7) & INCALLS TILL 1PM.... CREAMY & T!GHT. CALL N☆W 8048290689 ★★★★★ - 22
★★★★★ 5 STAR SERViCE. iNCAlLS. 60/QiK/80/Hh TILL 12 ♡ CREAMY & T!GHT. CALL N☆W. LeaVing SOOn!! ★★★★★ - 22
(Richmond, INCALLS .Bells Rd. Exit #69 . TILL 12PM)
Mon 06 Jan
Call Me, If You Want Me to Come Over... Available NOW- JAN. 21, 2015 - 37
(Danville, Your Place... OutCall Only!)
SEXY♡¤ BLOND★★ petite ~~Bombshell!!!! ♥♥IM waiting for UR call♡♡ - 26
(Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach/Norfolk/Chesapeake)
B : : A : : D _ ✖ _ G : : I : : R : : L ::S • • • ► ╚» ♥ (( Specials )) - 22
(Richmond, Incalls/Outcalls)
available TODAY ONLY sexy ebony treat 80/120/180 specials - 23
(Richmond, Richmond InCall, HOUR OUTCALLS ONLY)
All your dreams come true! I love saying yes fellas! Tall, busty beauty! Credit cards accepted! - 25
38DD's & 38DDD's • • ► Double *´¯`·. ✦. Pleasure ★ Double • • • ► ★ F.u.N★ 80special - 23
(Richmond, RICHMOND INCALL & outcalls)
▃▆▓▓ ω0RLD§ Gr€At€St ▆▓ Sω€€T & S€X¥ ▓ ▓ % R€AL ▓ ▓ #1 Pr0ViD0R in/out - 25
(Chesapeake, chesapeake vabeach portsmouth hpt)
FINALLY BACK 4 TONIGHT ONLY! Don't Miss Out been a LONG time since I was here & not sure when again! - 28
(Richmond, Richmond ~~ INCALLS ONLY)
Sun 05 Jan